Australasian Fire and Safety offer a complete “Fire & Safety Management Program” designed to meet your training needs including Emergency Warden Training, Confine Small Workplace Emergencies, Breathing Apparatus Training, Confined Space Training, Refresher Warden Training & SA Regional Training.
Emergency Warden Training
Combines three units under the Public Safety Package and is designed to deliver information to designated staff working in any industry or workplace to prepare and respond to a variety of workplace emergencies.
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Fire Extinguisher Training: Confined Small Emergencies in a Facility (CSEF)
Designed to deliver information to designated staff working in any industry or workplace in confining small emergencies such as fires and small chemical spills.
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Confined Space Training
Participants on this course will gain understanding of the control of entry to confined spaces, for maintenance, servicing of vessels or other necessary reasons.
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Breathing Apparatus
This course covers setting up, correct use, removing and cleaning and care of breathing apparatus, as well as identifying problems and faulty/damaged equipment.
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