Nationally Accredited Fire Extinguisher Training Course:
Unit title: Confine Small Emergencies in a Facility (CSEF)
Venue: Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens
Fees for Public course are $95.00 gst exempt per person.
At your site where we can utilise your systems and procedures. This could be a more cost effective method for groups up to 15 participants. Our fee for this is $890.00 gst exempt, if you have smaller numbers they could attend our Public Course at Glenelg Golf Club.
Note: Any correspondence should be via this page or “Contact Us”. We use Glenelg Golf Club as venue hire only, please do not send any mail to them that is meant for us, thank you.
Public Course:
2025 DATES Nationally recognised fire extinguisher training: |
Thursday 27th February, 1300-1500* | Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens |
Wednesday 14th May, 1300-1500* | Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens |
Wednesday 13th August, 1300-1500* | Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens |
Wednesday 12th November, 1300-1500* | Glenelg Golf Club, James Melrose Road, Novar Gardens |
* Depending on numbers, this may run to 1530
Complete the online Enrolment Form here:
Select “Extinguisher training” from the drop down menu on “Course for which you wish to apply”
Click on the Button on the right to Enrol – Online Version »
Please note;
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Legislation states that from 1st January 2018 ALL attendees on Nationally Accredited training courses MUST provide their USI numbers, an RTO is not allowed to issue any certification for Nationally Accredited training without this.
For more information and access to generating a USI number Click Here.
This Public Safety Unit is designed to deliver information to designated staff working in any industry or workplace in confining small emergencies such as fires and small chemical spills. It holds accreditation as an elective unit for people studying for a Certificate III in Public Safety (Community Safety) (PUA31419).
National Course Code:
PUAFER008 Confine small emergencies in a facility
None. (However participants should be reasonably fit and able to lift and carry fire extinguishers and other safety equipment or chemical spill kits as required.)
Nominal Duration:
2 -2.5 hours training and assessment.
Award Issued:
Statement of Attainment (upon successful completion).
Course Content:
- Prepare for emergency situations.
- Identify and assess the emergency.
- Safely confine emergencies.
- Use initial response equipment.
- Use of First Attack fire fighting equipment
- Report workplace emergency response.
Assessment Criteria:
Practical and Written Assessment
Nationally Recognised Training:
These courses are part of a nationally recognised Public Safety Training Package. Information about nationally recognised training can be found through this organisation is the official national register of information on Training Packages, Qualifications, Courses, Units of Competency and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
Legislative Approvals:
This unit conforms to the requirements for competency under various State Work Health and Safety Legislation.
Non-Accredited 1hr Fire Extinguisher Training Course
A 1hr practical training course where attendees will have the opportunity to use a Fire Extinguisher and a Fire Blanket on a LIVE FIRE!
- Explanation of the ‘Fire Triangle’ –now the Tetrahedron of Combustion
- How & when to raise the alarm
- Types of extinguishers
- Safely extinguish fires
Your site $600.00 + gst for up to 15 persons (extra charges apply for travel/accommodation if required). A level outside area large enough for three car park sizes is required to carry out this training.
Award Issued:
Statement of Attendance (upon successful completion). If part of a group, a Statement of Attendance will be issued with all members of group listed.