Services we provide:
If the services you require are not listed please do not hesitate to contact us; if we can’t provide them for you we can direct you to our network of other professional consultants and providers.
Client specific training courses
Where possible we do prefer to make your training experience more relevant to your workplace. When delivering Nationally Accredited training there are obviously certain topics that must be covered however, we can still include your site specific standards in the training as long as they do not contravene any other regulations.
Evacuation Diagrams.
We can design, print and laminate your ‘evac plans’ regardless of the size or shape of your building. There are specific requirements for these plans/diagrams as stipulated in AS:3745; rest assured that the plans we provide are compliant with the Australian Standard.
To maintain compliance with Australian Standard 3745, your ‘evac plans’ must be reviewed every 5 years, also they must be ammended ASAP if any changes have been made.
Trial evacuations.
This is where we visit your site, activate your fire alarm –where fitted- observe and record the reactions of the occupants of your building. The visit includes a short meeting prior to the ‘trial evac’, the actual evacuation process, followed by a de-brief meeting. A report is then written and provided for your records.
Remember! As per Australian Standard 3745 ALL workplaces are to carry out an evacuation at least once every twelve months.
When was your last one?
Emergency Procedures.
We can provide these as a template, all you need to do is insert your company details and edit as required. These are available as a download in our store.
Alternatively, we can work with you to develop them.
Flip Chart – Emergency Procedures
Available as a download in an easy to follow compact size –A5- you can print as many copies as needed, the front page is fully editable to put your company details and logo as required, one payment and you have as many copies for as long as you need them. Please go to our store.