Course information is available from Australasian Fire & Safety Pty Ltd on (08) 8352 8944.
Click here for a copy of our Student Handbook
Australasian Fire & Safety is committed to delivering Nationally Accredited Training wherever possible.
Statements of Attainment will be issued to trainees who meet the required outcomes of a unit of competency or a ‘cluster’ of units eg.; our Emergency Warden training comprises of 3 units, in accordance with all appropriate National Guidelines and acknowledging that certificates are nationally recognised.
Where a course is conducted which is not recognised as a Nationally Accredited or offered as part of accredited curriculum:
- then the course will not be promoted as being a Nationally Accredited training course,
- no certificate will be issued that makes any reference to National Accredited Training Course.
Statements of Attainment will be issued under the authority of the Training and Skills Act of 2008 and is recognized within the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Where a course has been developed to meet the customer’s specific needs, the course will be assessed by that customer before presentation to ensure it covers the subject matter and achieves the expected required outcomes.
No course material will be delivered that is known to be incorrect or does not comply with legislative requirements.
Where a course is developed to meet the customer’s specific client, feedback will be sought to ensure the training met their needs and to see if there has been an improvement in the trainee’s performance or attitude.
AFS offers skills recognition to those students who believe they have the required skills and underpinning knowledge in the units delivered within the program that inclusively or partly articulate towards any nationally recognised training. However, our courses are, in the main a blended delivery incorporating the relevant Units of Competencies and it would be much more effective to simply attend the days training course. Some courses also have a validity time frame and as such require the training to be completed fully.
If you feel that you may qualify for skills recognition, please speak with your Facilitator. The process will be explained to you and you will receive an application form that will enable you to apply for skills recognition. The application fully explains the process.
Australasian Fire & Safety (AF&S) is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and all amendments to 2017. This act requires us to communicate to our clients how we will protect their privacy.
Personal Information.
AFS may keep on file personal information such as your name, residential and postal address, date of birth, contact telephone numbers, email address, occupation, employer, and academic records and results. For some students, we may also keep on file their information about special learning requirements and needs.
This information will be disclosed to us through your completion of the course application/enrolment form or by discussion with any of our training staff or via written communication to AFS from you.
So that we are able to provide you with a quality educational service, we recommend that you advise us of any changes to your personal information or if there are any errors in the personal information we have on file.
Disclosure of Personal Information.
How we use your personal information
Your personal information may be used to:
- Provide you with the educational service you require to successfully complete your course.
- Obtain feedback from you about the course, service and facilities we have provided.
- Administer and manage these services including billing and collecting debts.
- Further develop and improve our business and educational systems.
- Inform you about new products and services that we may introduce from time to time.
Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties
For the purposes set out above, we may disclose your personal information to one or more of the following organisations:
- CITB – Construction Industry Training Board
- WorkCover
- SafeWork SA
- Australian government law enforcement departments/agencies.
Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other party (except those listed above) unless written permission is received from you.
Extreme care is taken by our staff to ensure that personal information is not released to any party other than those listed above.
You may use sections of our website anonymously, but any information that you choose to submit to us via our sites will be treated in accordance with AFS Privacy Policy.
Access to Your Personal Information.
You have a right to access your personal information. If you would like to do so, please submit your request in writing.
Contact details
If you have any questions in relation to privacy, please write to us;
PO Box 284
SA 5162
Automatic recognition may be granted if an applicant has previously gained certification from another provider/workplace, provided the person is familiarized with any features or procedures unique to their new workplace unless, there is a licensing/regulatory requirement eg. Breathing Apparatus is valid for 1 year..
At the time of enrolment you will be asked to complete a pre-enrolment form. Please ensure that you fill in all sections, this is a requirement of our regulators ASQA.
Australasian Fire & Safety (AFS) delivers a variety of training courses.
All courses are delivered in the English language and all notes are printed in English.
Some courses require a certain degree of physical fitness or require participants to be clean-shaven, eg. Breathing Apparatus.
Some courses place unnatural psychological stresses on participants eg. claustrophobia in Confined Spaces
If a client has notified AFS that it has students with special needs then the person taking the information must check with the director to ensure provisions are made or if in fact these special needs can be accommodated.
At the commencement of each course the presenters will first introduce themselves and then advise participants of:
- Emergency Procedures for the venue
- Location of toilets
- Provision of morning and afternoon tea and lunch as appropriate
- Course content and expected outcomes
- The company is a Registered Training Organisation registered in South Australia with
We are obliged as a Registered Training Organisation to give you certain information:
- Accreditation status of the course
- Arrangements for Recognition of Current Competencies & Recognition of Prior Learning.
- The qualification/certification to be issued on partial completion of the course.
- Requirements to achieve the qualification
- How the course articulates with other training
- Expected employment outcomes
- Policies on assessment, grading, resubmission of work
- Internal and external grievance/appeal processes.
A copy of the RTO Code of Practice will be available at all nationally accredited courses if you wish to view this document; you are free to do so during the breaks
Course trainers will provide details of assignments and assessment methods for each unit of competency. It is the trainees responsibility to seek clarification if unclear on the assessment requirements.
Assessment methods will vary widely from course to course and may include demonstrated competencies, written assignments, and participation in class activities. Each trainee will be assessed and resulted as Competent or Not Yet Competent.
If you believe an assessment process may disadvantage you because of a disability, cultural or linguistic need, please contact the course trainer to seek advice on alternative assessments.
Your details will remain confidential.
Australasian Fire & Safety is committed to ensuring trainees and customers have a fair and equitable process for dealing with complaints and appeals and to provide an avenue for the trainees to appeal against process which may affect their progress.
Australasian Fire & Safety will not discriminate against any trainee (as noted in our EEO) who has a complaint or appeal and every effort will be made to resolve the trainee/customer complaint.
Our organisation complaint and appeals policy is:
- In the first instance the trainer/facilitator is to be informed
- If the trainer is unable to resolve the issue then it will be referred in writing to the Managing Director or equivalent representative who will make a decision within 24 hours.
- Each appellant has an opportunity to formally present his or her case to the Managing Director or equivalent representative. A written statement of the complaint or appeals outcome, including reasons for decision will be forwarded to the appellant.
Where a complaint or an appeal cannot be resolved internally,
- If the complaint is regarding training then the trainee and or customer will be advised they can take the complaint or appeal to the Office of Training Advocate (SA)
- Their recommendation will be accepted by this organisation.
Australasian Fire & Safety is committed to the principle of equal opportunity for all of its trainees, staff and those seeking employment.
Australasian Fire & Safety will ensure fair and equal treatment for all trainees, staff and applicants for employment and to provide a workplace free from all forms of harassment. While the success of the EEO program requires the involvement and commitment of every member of staff, it is the joint responsibility of all to ensure that the EEO policies and strategies are implemented.
Australasian Fire & Safety is committed to taking affirmative action to ensure there is no discrimination in the workplace and to uphold the principles of equal employment opportunity.
Australasian Fire & Safety aim is to treat all trainees, and staff fairly by:
- Demolishing barriers to equality;
- Having supportive workplaces free of harassment;
- Assessing all staff in the performance of EEO;
- Checking work practices to ensure they are fair
- Providing equal access to training to all employees;
- Providing an EEO component to training;
- Giving a fair go to staff with family responsibilities;
- Not using discriminatory material or language;
- Having EEO publications and information available to staff;
- Treating surplus staff equitably.
Trainees and staff who believe they are not being treated fairly should report their grievance to the Manager who will refer the matter to an independent arbitrator if they cannot find satisfactory resolution.
AUSTRALASIAN FIRE & SAFETY recognises that it has a legal responsibility to safeguard the health and safety of its employees and trainees. It will aim, therefore, to provide and maintain Work Health and Safety standards in relation to workplaces, plant and equipment which offer the highest practicable degree of protection based on current knowledge. As the minimum, safe work methods and practices required by the SA Work Health and Safety Act will be adopted and observed.
In order to achieve its WHS objectives, Australasian Fire & Safety will:
- ensure that staff have relevant WHS training
- provide all staff with training to enable them to meet their WHS responsibilities;
- provide an information and advisory service to all staff;
- provide employees with relevant, easy to understand readily accessible WHS material on matters such as hazardous substances and safe working practices;
- provide appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment and ensure that it is properly used;
- provide medical, health and first aid services and medical monitoring in accordance with agreed policies and practices;
- ensure that accidents are reported and adequately investigated and prompt remedial action taken;
- record data on occupational health, injuries and diseases in order to monitor trends and progress of preventative strategies;
- develop and implement appropriate procedures for the rehabilitation of ill or injured employees;
- follow agreed consultative arrangements with unions on WHS matters;
AUSTRALASIAN FIRE & SAFETY WHS policies, standards and practices will be subject to periodic review.
Australasian Fire & Safety (AF&S) as a Quality Assured Company and a Registered Training Organisation will market and advertise their products and services in an ethical manner.
- A client’s written permission is gained before information about that client can be issued in any marketing materials.
- It will accurately represent recognised training products and services to prospective clients.
- It will ensure clients are provided with full details of conditions in any contractual arrangements made with it.
Where advertisements refer to AFS status, the products and services covered by the recognised Scope of Registration will be clearly identified. AQF Qualifications will only be advertised if AFS is registered to issue the qualifications.
Advertisements will identify nationally recognised products separately from courses recognised by other bodies (eg industry bodies) or without recognised status.
The names of Training Packages, Qualifications and/or accredited courses listed in advertising materials will comply with the names/titles as endorsed by ASQA.
Where AFS is offering recognised products/services it may use any of the following statements in advertising as appropriate:
- Nationally Recognised Training
- Training recognised by ASQA
- Registered by ASQA to issue the offered Qualifications
If AFS is issuing nationally recognised qualifications it may use the Nationally Recognised Training Logos on relevant Qualifications of Attainment in accordance with ASQA requirements.
Australasian Fire & Safety will attempt to seek payment for training in advance with the exception of existing clients who may have a prior arrangement or seek such an arrangement, this must be approved by Company Director.
Conditions of payment are net 14 days. Overdue Reminders are issued after 14 days and overdue accounts may be subject to a 15% levy.
If, after paying the fees a student is unable to attend the training, we require 48 hours notice; fees apply for late notice of cancellation as follows:
- More than 48 hours no fee and a full refund will be issued.
- 24-48 hours notice 20% fee payable -fee minus 20% to be refunded.
- Less than 24 hours notice 50% of fee payable -fee minus 50% to be refunded.
- Non attendance without prior notice no refund will be issued.
- If a course is cancelled by Australasian Fire & Safety a full refund will be given.
AFS keeps complete and accurate records of the attendance and progress of trainees, as well as financial records that reflect all payments and charges and the balance due, and provides copies of these records to trainees on request.
Australasian Fire & Safety seeks feedback from our trainees and clients on their satisfaction with services they have received and seeks to improve its services in accordance with their expectations.
For further information about all our courses and services, phone (08) 8352 8944.