If you own any type of large scale social venue, particularly one with a liquor license, having effective security guards is paramount. Likewise if you are considering a career in the security professions then you will want to have proper training to widen your job prospects and better ensure your own safety on the job.
Before you begin your training you need to understand that being a security guard is not an easy job. It comes with a lot of responsibility as you are left in charge of the safety of your employer, your co-workers and the general public. In addition to this, depending on your venue, you will potentially run into dangerous situations.
Security guard training is useful for a number of professions. It heightens your awareness in difficult situations, lets you know what to look for and allows you to diffuse them diplomatically. Here are some of the most common jobs that require security guard training.
Crowd Control
In cases such as a sports game, controlling the movement of thousands of people is important. With little care or control there is the risk of chaos and possibly even violence. Ensure your venue doesn’t suffer damage to its’ reputation by effectively managing your crowd control.
General guarding
Intoxicated patrons can be very difficult to deal with. When running a venue you do not want to be wasting your time trying to convince them to leave or even putting yourself in the way of violence, particularly when you have a business to take care of. A general guard can ensure that intoxicated patrons don’t enter the premises and those who are inside are removed.
Body Guarding
Personal body guarding is important for well known figures and can be a well paid industry. As such it is competitive and good training is required if you want to be successful in this field.
Security Guard Training Requirements
If you live in South Australia, you will be required to pass your Certificate I and Certificate II in Security Operations. Combined these Certificates cover a 2 week period, require no prerequisites and cover a wide range of courses from effective communication to screening and workplace safety.
If you are considering a career as a security guard, make sure you get the best possible training, again to widen your job prospects and better ensure your safety. Likewise venue owners should require top notch training of their own security guards to minimise problems and maintain their reputation.