Irrespective of where you are working and living, it is certainly necessary to have a fire evacuation plan should you ever find yourself confronted with such an emergency. Contrary to what most people assume, making an evacuation plan consists of more than just frantically running for the nearest exit. As a matter of fact, this can be very dangerous and make the predicament even worse. In any case, coming up with your own fire evacuation plans is really quite simple if you comply with a few steps.
To begin things off, it is needed to put in a good number of smoke alarms so that anyone, at any time and any place can raise the fire alarm and let every person else know of possible danger. You need to go floor by floor and draw directions on how to get to the stairwell in the quickest way possible. Needless to say, having at least two or three viable exists out of the building is highly recommended. You should also look into installing an crisis lighting system in case the power goes out. Nonetheless, these are just the basics and frankly anyone can think of that. What will really dictate whether or not your fire evacuation plan is worthwhile is the amount of attention you dedicate to what people have to do in case of a fire, apart from getting out of there.
For example, it is very critical that you go over how to use a fire extinguisher in detail: pill the pin, stand six to eight feet away from the fire, aim it at the base, squeeze the trigger and make sweeping motions with your hands until the fire has been put out. If the fire isn’t too dangerous and can be extinguished, it should be given a try. If the fire cannot be extinguished, it is very critical to start evacuating the building promptly after having made a call to the fire brigade.
When it comes to the evacuation itself, It is recommended that you outline the value for everybody to remain calm and walk during the evacuation; it is easy for significant numbers of people to get cluttered at the doors, which can hold off the process by many precious minutes. If you find yourself having to pass through smoke, try to keep your face as low as possible as smoke is lighter than air and is likely to rise. Try to stay away from electric equipment as well as elevators and go for the stairs. Once you are outside, wait in a safe area until the firemen give you the signal that it’s safe to go back in.
In addition, you must also take the time to put up instructions for those who have the misfortune of finding themselves stuck in a room during a fire; they need to close the doors, put a wet cloth on their mouth, and stand near a window signaling for help. In the worst case scenario, if a person’s garments catch on fire, they need to promptly drop down on the floor and roll.
As you can see, making up your own fire evacuation plan will require you to think about a lot of different situations in order to make certain the safety of the people you are responsible for, not to mention that it demands to be updated on a yearly basis. Remember that in the end, every second is vital and the first thing which should be taken in account in your plan is safety.