This Public Safety Unit (PUAFIR306) is designed to cover the Competency to safely combat incidents involving hazardous materials.
This unit is accredited as an elective for Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting Operations PUA30701) and a core unit for Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting & Emergency Operations PUA30601). Under Emergency Response Category it is an “initial response” skill.
A Prerequisite for this unit is PUAFIR201A Prevent Injury, and a co requisite is PUAFIR308A Employ personal protection at a hazardous material incident.
Learning Outcomes (Key Elements):
- Identify and handle hazardous materials
- Assist with establishing hazard control and decontamination zones
- Contain and recover hazardous materials
- Assist with decontaminating personnel and equipment
Upon satisfactory completion of this unit, the participant will be able to:
- Identify and implement Supervisors pre-incident plans, site control and containment plan.
- Ensure personal protective clothing and equipment suitable for the hazard is selected and worn and the incident is approached with care and caution considering all available advise.
- Identify the nature of the incident and relay the information to the supervisor. Know the location of MSDS and procedures for incident control. Reassess equipment and clothing ensuring it’s suitability.
- Handle dangerous goods in the prescribed manner and obtain samples for further evaluation/evidence.
- Identify peoples responsibilities and ensure they are carried out. Secure the scene, implement hazard control and decontamination zones, initiate evacuation procedures where necessary.
- Control personnel and equipment entering and leaving the incident area. Keep records of all movements in and out.
- Initiate containment strategies, dilute or contain hazardous materials as documented or on expert advise.
- Recover or supervise removal of hazardous substances form an incident site. All personnel and equipment are decontaminated as soon as possible following recommended procedures.
- Clean equipment, service of necessary and restowed. Record and report any contamination to appropriate person/authority.
Nationally Recognised Training:
These courses are part of a nationally recognised Public Safety Training Package (PUA00). Information about nationally recognised training can be found through the web site. is the official national register of information on Training Packages, Qualifications, Courses, Units of Competency and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
Legislative Approvals:
This unit conforms to the requirements for competency under various State Work Health and Safety Legislation.